Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Well the Oscars were last Sunday and for me that was just an overall weird day. Most of it was exactly how every Sunday is for me, I sit around and watch boring tv and pluck at either the violin or the guitar. Mom spent the whole day with her friends because she actually has a life. I don't. But then she decided to kidnap me and drag me to David and Philip's house so I could watch them and Catherine and random people from Savio that I don't know play D&D. Not my idea of fun.

But then after everyone left it was my turn, so I made the boys watch the oscars and defeated David's iPhone app twice. SO! I don't really feel like doing an oscar recap because I think award shows are relatively boring but I will say I'm glad Christopher Plummer won Best Supporting actor, he's one of the few people I respect as artists in the entertainment industry (you know what I mean, get your mind out of the gutter....).

Rest of the week was lame, blah blah,blah.... my mother had her spinal injection on friday, I've been living one purely caffeine and little bits of protein when I feel faint this week because no one is there to force me to eat (Jackie was away, this is normally her job)

I saw Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy today, I thought it was fairly good and pretty basic. But I was informed when I exited the theater that I was the only person there that understood the whole thing. Everyone else was trying to figure out innuendos and what was going on with Benedict Cumberbatch's hair, and the point of Colin Firth's existence, and why the man with the large nose is always in movies that mention witch craft, and picking out the wrong perpetrator, and trying to understand why everyone was switching between Russian, Hungarian, and English. The majority missed the entire plot line.... basically revenge and justice.

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