Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So Christmas went very well for me. I got a new laptop, speakers, cds, a graphics tablet, and a giant red tutu (need I say more?). But in the aftermath of christmas, life is boring. For the last two days I've been trying to get used to drawing on a tablet instead of paper, and listening to VSQ play Mcr and Fall out Boy. Out line of my life:

-listen to music
-play guitar
-listen to music some more
-walk to Jackie's house in the next subdivision
-walk home
-try desperately to pump air into bike tires so I don't have to walk
-hang random shit up on bedroom walls
-eat a sandwich
-listen to music
-play guitar

that just one day.... I need a life. At least my comics are pretty badass now.

I also started reading Homestuck, its pretty entertaining. Comics are pretty much my life, which is really sad. Maybe I'll post a couple of mine.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I've been thinking lately....

Hey guys, well today I read an article on a blog I follow, the blog is called Pig Tail pals. The article was about gender stereotyping in christmas catalogs this year. Now this blog isn't just a couple of extreme feminists trying to force feed the idea of females being oppressed by men, its about being in the world where my mom's friend bringing his husband and their daughter to dinner is completely normal to most youth but society is still trying to force sexist ideas about both genders down our throats. I have a single mom who was never married and I'm completely fine with it but the traditional Christian mothers and daughters from Church and my old school didn't seem to understand that it was okay and I wasn't going to be scared or messed up because of it. When I was 9 we were asked to do a diorama of our favorite anima's habitat. There were so many boys doing things like snakes and scorpions and so many girls doing dogs. I did one on microcharaptera (insect eating) and megacharaptera (fruit eating) bats. Word of this got back to my girl scout leader, I was almost kicked out for this. Its not my fault, I just don't like dogs and I grew up around bats because my grandparents live by the McNeil Bridge. I was always different from the other girls, I was different from conception. You see I was conceived through a sperm bank, my mom and my aunt lived together when I was born and half the time I was at work with my aunt at the funeral home sucking on war heads, banging on a type writer and playing hide in seek among the graves making sure to step around the bodies. I grew up not being afraid of the lore of bats but marveling at the black ribbons they made in the evening sky. Every once in a while I'd be told that I was weird or strange and it really hurt but I think I'm better off than they are because I'm comfortable in my own skin and not trying to stuff myself into a cookie cutter mold. I've never done anything normally, I read popular books way before their popularity or way after the last movie in the franchise comes out; I speak to soon and I love too much and I yearn to be friends with non-intimidating people that I'm still to shy to talk to. I attract the wrong people even though I'd like to think that I'm a decent person, I never liked the "right" music or the "right" clothes or the "right" anything. Well screw you because I'm know I'm perfect and I'm sorry if you don't feel that way about yourself. I love comicbooks, and fairytales, I have way too many dreams and I don't tell a soul about any of them, I want to scream at the top of my lungs sometimes, and I fall way too hard, I live for music, I have the imagination as big as the universe, I talk way too much and I always get the solos even though I don't want any of them, I just want to stand in the back of the choir and sing quietly. This is who I am.

Sorry for rambling but I had a shitty day and needed to rant.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Monday was also Frank Iero's birthday and I wanted to do something on deviantART for it. I was too lazy to draw a picture but I wrote a story (which ended up being more work)

Link to story: http://chemicalembers1997.deviantart.com/#/d4ej7f5

Happy Ieroween!!!!!!

So on monday it was halloween, which is my absolute favorite holiday ever in the whole entire world!!!!! It was pretty cool this year too because I went over to Porsche's house. Her whole family dressed up like vikings and so did Catherine but David and me were an indian and a pirate (I was the pirate). Naturally, her mom came up with a quick story line for us so that we'd fit in to there whole set up, they turned their front yard into the deck of a ship. David was the medicine man who wasn't allowed to go near the computer because he would break it, and I was their prisoner named Germany.

Next time I'll put up another list.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

and I'm back

Okay so I used to have a blog back when I was in 7th grade but I haven't used it in 2 years so I decided to delete that one and start over. It wasn't very interesting anyway, mostly stuff about how I hate school and the guys I thought were cute and fighting with my mom and how I thought I was better than everyone. You know, stuff every 12 year old talks about. But I wanted to start blogging again because I use sites like Tumblr and DeviantART and thats great and all but DeviantART is, well for art; and all my posts just get drowned out so quickly on Tumblr. I know most people aren't going to read this but its just something to do.
Okay so here's a bit about myself; I'm fourteen, I live in _______, I love comicbooks, regular books, anything I can get my hands on; I'm addicted to music, especially modern rock and alternative/punk; I can't stand most metal (still talking about music), I love art and I want to be a writer when I grow up; my dream job (besides rockstar) is to either have my own animated tv show or write for a music magazine like Rolling Stone. Also I talk way too much: like when I don't have another person to talk to, I will talk to myself. Its a really bad habit.

Well, if you got this far I would like to say thanks for bothering to read the whole thing.