Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thursday, May 22, 1997

Or as I'd like to call it, the day I was born.  I don't like too many of the things about myself but I'm very fond of my birthday.  A bit about it:

- its exactly 6 days after my Grandfathers' birthday
-it's the first day of the gemini zodiac sign (I don't believe in astrology but its interesting)
-its my favorite author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's birthday.  I was raised by my grandparent's half the time and the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes are my grandmother's favorites so they were my bedtime stories as a child.  I started reading his other works in the last couple of years
-The Beatles get their eighth consecutive #1 on american charts in 1965
-In some monotheistic lore that includes belief of angels, they name Castiel as the angel of Thursday.
- Victor Hugo dies in 1885
-Alfred Day Hershey dies in 1997
-feast day of St Rita

Yeah so its my birthday, I'm fifteen and I don't feel any different, but its still going to be a lovely day.

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