Thursday, August 23, 2012

Up in the air

There seems to be a perpetual and never ending cloud below my feet. A dreamy way to put that I'm in a plane and it's extremely cloudy below. Well actually, I'm in a plane when I write this at 2:16 am, not when I publish it sometime after for I would need the Internet. So basically in the last week I've left my best friend back in Texas, but in all fairness she left me first by going to north Carolina a week before I was due in new York. Then I went to new York! Which was amazing, I can just imagine myself living there; I am of course imagining on a highly unfathomable budget. We did a lot while we were there, my mother, rachael, and I. We went to central park and the empire state building at night in a thunderstorm, we walked the brooklyn bridge and saw the 9/11 memorial, we saw Chicago and Rent (both of which were absolutely incredible), we managed to find a few decent Irish pubs as well. It went by rather quickly and now I'm on a plane that is almost to my Ireland destination, having just filled out a disembarkation card. If anyone reads this, expect more developments as the come forth.

From when I got to Ireland

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Home sweet Habitat

So I got home a few days ago! How I missed my Austin!!!!! Despite the grueling weather and the sad fact that school starts again in only 6 days (where did the time go?) I was glad to be back.

Also I got a hedgehog! His name is Henry and he is adorable!

I also started an Outfit of the Day blog:


Hat Update: I'm still knitting the orange beret............ starting to get sick of the color