Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Well the Oscars were last Sunday and for me that was just an overall weird day. Most of it was exactly how every Sunday is for me, I sit around and watch boring tv and pluck at either the violin or the guitar. Mom spent the whole day with her friends because she actually has a life. I don't. But then she decided to kidnap me and drag me to David and Philip's house so I could watch them and Catherine and random people from Savio that I don't know play D&D. Not my idea of fun.

But then after everyone left it was my turn, so I made the boys watch the oscars and defeated David's iPhone app twice. SO! I don't really feel like doing an oscar recap because I think award shows are relatively boring but I will say I'm glad Christopher Plummer won Best Supporting actor, he's one of the few people I respect as artists in the entertainment industry (you know what I mean, get your mind out of the gutter....).

Rest of the week was lame, blah blah,blah.... my mother had her spinal injection on friday, I've been living one purely caffeine and little bits of protein when I feel faint this week because no one is there to force me to eat (Jackie was away, this is normally her job)

I saw Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy today, I thought it was fairly good and pretty basic. But I was informed when I exited the theater that I was the only person there that understood the whole thing. Everyone else was trying to figure out innuendos and what was going on with Benedict Cumberbatch's hair, and the point of Colin Firth's existence, and why the man with the large nose is always in movies that mention witch craft, and picking out the wrong perpetrator, and trying to understand why everyone was switching between Russian, Hungarian, and English. The majority missed the entire plot line.... basically revenge and justice.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Well VASE was yesterday and I think it went fairly well even if I wasn't there for most of it and wouldn't let my family come see my piece. Porsche went with me though, I trust her, I don't trust many people but I trust her. Also Jackie was participating in VASE. When I went into judging in the morning I was really nervous but I calmed down as soon as I started talking, I had to explain to the judge that it wasn't just me letting my creativity run wild but all it had underlying meanings and tons of psychology references and story references and anomalies and subtext, lots of subtext. So I think I may have confused her but she got the point of the amount of thought and work I had put into the piece and said my attention to detail was almost impeccable, I just needed to work on my values. But I got a 4 so that meant my piece got into the showcase, which is really good. So after I did my presentation, we all went to Jackie's house and watched Sherlock season 2. Long story short, we have 6 minutes left in season two that hasn't been seen yet. So all was well and I got a tie at a garage sale. So then at about 3 we went back to the school and they announced who made it to state and I didn't make it but Jackie did, I was really proud of her, she didn't care that she made it but told me I needed to go with her because it was going to be boring. Fantastic.

Then finally grandma picked Porsche and I up from Jackie's house and we took Porsche home and then Grandma and I watched the old sherlock holmes movies with Basil Rathbone. I fell asleep halfway through the first one and then I couldn't go to sleep at the proper time because my mother kept texting me. I can't wait till I get to Ireland, I need time away from that woman and I cannot wait to leave.

Today was boring. I watched League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and the Oscars are on tonight. I'm really just watching them to get a glimpse of Benedict Cumberbatch. I am crazy.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Well its 10:06, I have to get up tomorrow at 6 am to get ready for VASE and I'm so nervous, I'll need 3 cups of coffee, an energy drink, and Porsche will probably make me eat so I won't have a spazz attack in front of the judges tomorrow. That tends to happen now and again because I never ever eat before a presentation and I overdo the caffeine because I'm always so freaking nervous. Also I can't go to sleep because I'm waiting for Porsche to get here! It's kinda bugging me. I had a complete panic attack today in World Geography and didn't get over it until half way through the next period, then I got angry and had to break a few pencils and draw indonesian masks in art class because I didn't think my VASE painting was good enough so I freaked out before I did my touch ups, and then I came home and had yet ANOTHER anxiety attack so I played the violin for an hour and a half to calm myself down..... so yeah, really nervous.

On a lighter note, I got almost all A's on my report card so thats $120 towards Ireland, I'm setting up a checking account on the first.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I have a feeling....

I keep thinking something dramatically horrible is going to happen, I keep have a sort of premonition. Its weird and sometimes I believe I'm just paranoid or being negative but its always there, in the back of my mind. I keep thinking something huge is going to happen, something that will change my life. And I have no idea about what.

Its late, ignore me, but I had to write it out.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Over all, a decent day.

So today was actually pretty good for once, not to be a downer or anything, but nothing bad happened today. I finished my project for VASE, then I had to fill out my sheet explaining the techniques I used, and where I got my inspiration, and what was the concept I was trying to portray and all the that jazz. Well, as I was doing this I realized I'm brilliant! Of course I already knew that, but when I had to pick a name for the painting a couple weeks ago I had been toying with the idea for some sort of experiment. Even if the painting is of a library. So... I left off picking a name till the last second because I was swamped for ideas. I ended up picking the name out of a whim: A study in imagination. Sound familiar? So I was writing down my answers for the questionnaire when I realized that that tiny whim was probably the most perfect name I could have chosen. Because basically I was trying to portray my interpretation of how the creative part of our mind functions, and how we make creative decisions (such as naming something, or figuring out a puzzle) as well as how the "inner child" contributes to all of this. I tried to make it in a way very scientific yet the farthest thing from science possible, and I did this by making myself stretch my own imagination to its outermost limits.

On another note, I finally got a new violin! Its gorgeous and I'm very very excited. I've spent the past four hours getting used to playing again and I guess I never let that information leave my brain, I just put it in the archives for awhile.

Yesterday, Jackie and I started season 2 of Sherlock. Its so much darker than the first season, yet it's so much funnier. I like it, not a fan of Irene Adler though; of course, at first, I wasn't a fan of Moriarty either.

Over all, life is decent

The Anton-Schroetter Violin

Well today I may be getting my new violin. In a previous post I said that I found a nice violin on craigslist, well I've been talking to the woman selling it and I'm going to check it out today. So hope its a good day.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Can't sleep again

So I can't sleep, this seems to happen to me a lot. Just staying up watching crappy tv that I really don't care for but I really have nothing else to do. Well today was dull, it was my grandmother's birthday so it basically involved my whole family, in the same room, at the same time; not one of my favorite things to deal with. My family drives me insane and each one of them is so different so excuse me if I rant but this might take awhile. Well my grandmother is the type of person who worries about me because now I actually have a friend that she has proof is really, she actually convinced herself that my friend was my dealer. I DON'T DO DRUGS!!! I SWEAR! Then there's my uncle; he's ok, a little over family oriented, but thats because his biological family (related to us by marriage) pretty much dumped him after he moved out; also he's always butting heads with my grandmother, they honestly cannot stand each other. Then my aunt, who goes on and on about nothing else but the fact that her life is hell and about how prejudiced school is towards her ADD son. Which brings us to her ADD son Grady, whom everyone else either talks about how brilliant he is or how poor he is for his disability. Tonight actually everyone was going on and on about how he's such a great soccer star and he's so good in math and science; and then my uncle, who no matter how smart he is has very bad sources of information, told us that kids who excel in mathematics have great musical talent and they were probably going to start Grady on the violin so him and I could play together. Over. My. Dead. Body. Then there's Quinn, who's the other son and isn't honestly that bad just that he has an obsession with the bathroom (small child, just recently potty trained), which is weird. And finally there's my mother; crazy, controlling, gives me orders for basic tasks like she's talking to a five year old except at lightning fast speed and several at once, overly affectionate, generally annoying, and has pretty much already decided my whole future (which involves being a famous writer, marrying one of her friend's sons, and letting her live in my mansion, which would only be a few minutes from where I grew up.) So yes, imagine all of these people in the room with me; an anti-social adolescent who is desperately craving attention over her accomplishments but knowing she won't get it because the rest of the family already know what she's capable of but don't understand it so the let it all go as if she's normal and never actually tried to show them; ignoring me, trying to get me to eat my dinner (which I probably wouldn't eat a lot of even if it was edible), and telling stories of how amazing they are, and pouting about everything they've done wrong for 3 hours straight. I wanted to go home and punch myself in the face.

Alright I'm done.

Also yesterday, I stayed over at Jackie's house and Cheyanna was there as well, I spent the whole night sandwiched between them, I couldn't move my arms.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thinking of changing my blog

as in starting a different one, I don't know maybe I'm just being fickle but I think I should.

Well in other news, I decided a girl's fate today today. My friend was debating on whether to take piano or art next year so I used a trick I learned in one of my aunt's psych text books to help her decide. I tore a sheet of paper in half and wrote 'art' on one and 'piano' on the other, crumpled them up and told her to pick one. I did this because it is a proven fact that when making a decision by chance (such as this), the second before you chose you will make up your mind on which one you want. Its used in movies all the time, I can't believe more people don't know about this. But when dealing with problems of teens with over stimulated levels of oxytocin and serotonin running through their veins, its a very easy solution.

Interesting week....

Well its friday and I finished my project in DIM class early so this is what I do, kinda pathetic huh? well yeaterday I was at Jackie's house, mainly because I was avoiding my mother's friends, but also because we were finishing 221B on Sims. It's very accurate to the show we based it off of (bbc Sherlock) and I'm quite proud. Tonight we're finally making a Mrs. Hudson. I'm stoked! I got Jackie hooked on the show and I'm even starting to appreciate it more, but mostly my cousins thing I'm more of an anti-social nerdy freak. Whatever, I'm not close to the majority of my family anyways so I don't really care. The family I am close to lives far away, so that kinda sucks.... so thats really it... OH! VASE is next weekend, I'm going to be in it and my piece is amazing! I just hope I can finish in time.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Interesting company

So I am at my friend's house and its extremely... entertaining. By entertaining I mean we're creating a flat for John and Shelock who are getting married.

This is from awhile back I just never got to post it.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Well its raining....

Its cold and rainy and Sunday. Not happy :(. Its not that bad though, I have school work to keep me focused on and the blog (which I know I haven't been posting on but I don't generally have something to say every day). Well I found a very nice violin on craigslist that I really want and I just recently found out that I'd be going back to Ireland this summer to drive on the wrong side of the road and work in a hair salon. I'm going to be staying with my cousins and my cousin Brenda works in a salon and she's getting me a job helping out in the shop and her husband Jack is going to teach me how to drive and I'm going out on the road with him a couple times, he's a truck driver. I'm very happy about this. Also I'm not having a birthday this year, my birthday is going to be sitting in the nose bleed section of Mary Poppins (which I loathe) with my two least favorite people in the world right now. I'm already try to be around my family as little as possible and now I have to spend 3+ hours with my grandmother and cousin with no escape. Kill me or at the least get me a damn Tartis!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Why my mother thinks I refuse to get rid of my desk? Emotional value I can't stand to let go of, and I'm too lazy to set up a craigslist account.

Real reason: I've been performing experiments on that desk for years, some have damaged the insides beyond repair, she just doesn't know about it.